Design + Consulting Studio


I Want to Go : Hotel Henriette

I'm headed to France next month and already planning for all the croissants I will be eating and museums I will be frequenting. I had enrolled in a beginner French class in preparation for my trip (and lets be honest my life) but sadly due to my crazy travel schedule criss crossing the US of late, I have missed every single lesson... So instead of buckling down with my Rosetta Stone I did what any design obsessed, newly minted Franco-phile would do, I turned to Pinterest for travel inspiration and immediately fell down the rabbit hole of all the places i would be finding treasures to bring home with me. 

So turns out I'm totally in love with Hotel Henriette in Paris. The rooms are to die for and don't you dare ask me which room is my favorite. I absolutely refuse to pick a favorite and I intend to switch rooms every night I am there. 

Follow along on my France Trip Board on Pinterest- I will be adding all the places I plan to visit! 

All images via Hotel Henriette